Active Study Groups & Workshops
(click the “+” symbol for more information)
Where: 26 Parker Rd, Brookline, VT
When: Wednesdays from 7-8, arrive by 6:50
Contact: Katherine Stewart;
A group of former Hartsbrook teachers and current parents and board members have come together to facilitate a book study group of Rudolf Steiner’s The Child’s Changing Consciousness as the Basis of Pedagogical Practice. All are welcome.
These eight lectures are from talks presented to Swiss school teachers three and a half years after the founding of the first Waldorf School in Stuttgart, Germany. These lectures are considered Steiner’s most accessible talks on his educational philosophy. With many examples and anecdotes, Steiner proposes curriculum and pedagogical practices that promote children’s physical, emotional, intellectual, and ethical development.
In this study group, we take Steiner’s invitation to make sense of his work in context as we critically engage with one lecture per meeting, sometimes focusing on one or more key points in the lecture, against an understanding of childhoods. We will consider:
how can we best understand the insights Steiner offers
how might Steiner’s insights support our understanding of children’s diverse experiences and perspectives
what insights need to be reconsidered
We will gather from 6 pm to 8 pm on January 16, 23, 30; February 6, 13; and March 6, 20, 27, for a light meal and then engage in a simple artistic experience before we discuss one lecture. We will meet in the faculty library on the second floor of Hartsbrook Hall at the Hartsbrook School in Hadley, MA.
Please let Maria José Botelho Ayres, a Hartsbrook Board Member and Professor of Language, Literacy & Culture at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, know if you plan to participate at Please put BOOK STUDY GROUP on the subject line. Let Maria know if you have food allergies. We anticipate the dinners will be vegetarian. PDF and audio copies of the book are available, as are used soft copies online.